Now you can raise money for the Alderson Hospitality House every time you search the web – and it’s free! Or when you do your online shopping, check out Goodshop retailers and send AHH a portion of the proceeds of your purchase.
Here’s how you Goodsearch:
1. Go to and designate “Alderson Hospitality House Land Trust” as your charity of choice.
2. Search the web! For every search, you earn $0.01 for AHH.
3. Tell your friends! Those cents add up fast!
Here’s how you Goodshop:
1. Go to and designate “Alderson Hospitality House Land Trust” as your charity of choice.
2. Search coupons for a specific store or browse by product categories. Participating retailers include Amazon, Staples, AutoZone, and
3. When you buy something, a portion of your purchase goes to AHH.
It sounds too good to be true, but it works! Goodsearch has raised over 11 million dollars for participating non-profit organizations. With your help, we can use this wonderful and free resource to raise money for the Alderson Hospitality House!